Meeting Updates
PACT members reviewed and discussed the draft Senate policy proposal.
Two PACT members recently attended a nationwide TOME [Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem]. They reported that many libraries and university presses are actively involved in this area.
PACT members discussed the Special Order Presentation for Senate held on November 10. The next step is to prepare for a Senate vote by putting the proposal into the Senate's formal proposal template in preparation for a Senate vote early next year… Continue
UMD PACT has co-sponsored, with the Office of Faculty Affairs, two events for Open Access Week [October 24-30].
Final preparations are in hand for the Special Order Presentation for Senate on November 10.
UMD PACT members continue their campus departmental visits to discuss, and hear concerns regarding, the proposed equitable access policy.
Preparations are going ahead for the Senate Special Order presentation.
UMD has joined TOME [Toward an Open Monograph Ecosystem] for a two-year pilot program. TOME is a national initiative to advance open-access (OA) publishing of monographs in the humanities and social sciences. TOME’s goal is to make this important scholarship available to readers across the globe, without cost and access barriers. … Continue
UMD PACT releases Position Paper on Journal Subscriptions and "Big Deals".
The group discussed next steps including the timing and procedure for bringing policy to the Senate. The Senate's University Library Council [ULC] is sponsoring UMD PACT and is seen as the means of bringing the policy to the Senate.
Work continues on the proposed change to campus policy including legal review by UMD's Office of General Counsel.
The group heard that approximately 90% of the Libraries' collections budget is used to pay for continuing resources such as databases and journal access. This is the case for most of our peer institutions. "Big Deals" or subscription bundles provide a method of accessing large numbers of journals. PACT members discussed, in general terms, the alternatives to the "Big Deal" being implemented now in the library world, and the ways these… Continue
UMD PACT members have met with many departments and units on campus to discuss Open Access and the proposed policy change. Resulting questions and feedback will be added to this website's FAQ feature.
On May 27, 2021, PACT member, Professor Philip Cohen, led an online talk on OSF [Open Science Framework] "Transparency… Continue
Peter Suber, Director of the Harvard Office for Scholarly Communication, Director of the Harvard Open Access Project, and a Senior Researcher at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society attended this virtual meeting. He also attended on August 20, 2020.
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