Get to know UMD faculty, students, and other members of our scholarly community who advocate for open and equitable scholarship and have actively worked towards making Maryland's research more visible, accessible, affordable, and transparent.

ArXiv is one of the most important open access repositories for science research on the internet. Founded in 1991, it’s also one of the oldest running internet repositories, predating the World Wide Web. ArXiv is an open, curated research sharing platform, run by scientists for scientists, and it is free to read and free to submit. It covers physics, mathematics, computer science, economics, and quantitative… Continue

The campaign for open access is complicated. How does one balance the costs of copy editing, marketing, printing, and other expenses of quality publishing with the fact that publicly funded research should be available to the public at little to no cost?
This is a topic Holly Brewer, University of Maryland Burke Chair of American Cultural and Intellectual History, Associate Professor of History, and Co-Chair of the… Continue

A perplexing question for Dr. Patricia Alexander, Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology, and head of the Disciplined Reading and Learning Research Lab at the University of Maryland, concerns finding a balanced, pragmatic approach to the challenges and barriers facing open access.
As a researcher, editor, and editorial board member to more than 12 journals, Alexander… Continue